Thursday, January 30, 2020

#52WeeksofGratitude - Week 5

Something Someone Gave You.

This is a tough one, because in order for me to gain this item, two individuals that were beyond special to me, passed away. My grandparents left their home to me. It is the home I grew up in, my childhood castle of imagination and joy. If homes could speak, this one would tell you of happy memories and good people that have passed through its doors.

It is my oasis. My sanctuary. My cathedral. My palace. I am attached to this land and these walls, and I’m beyond blessed to call it “My Home”.

Love and Peace,


I found this challenge on Pinterest and thought it would be fun/interesting/maybe torturous to try to do it and keep up. I've decided to post each Thursday in 2020 (ThankfulThursday), following the outline of the challenge. 

Why do this?

To exercise fingers on the keyboard.

It’s only one post a week.

Positivity is a great energy conductor.

I have lots to be grateful for!

It’ll be fun! (maybe?)

Join me, if you dare.

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